How can I be when there is nothing pressing to be done??
My life (in retrospect of these past three days) has been a series comprised of unfulfilled eBay bids and bad reality television. I bet both of these are the two newest additions to the 21st century revision of the cardinal sins.
I need a fucking hobby.
Might (finally) check out MoSEX during the next couple of days. Maybe I'll even wade through the $16 million newly-renovated-though-exactly-the-same fountain in Washington Square Park with the remainder of my friends who are not traveling or toiling under the devil's reincarnate in the form of their [insert major fashion house] boss. Orrrrrr I could just spend this time shut away from the world like the bitter, anti-social hermit that I (secretly) am.
I really hope I win that corset on eBay.
Is it sad that I'm scheduling my week around the MTV Movie Awards? I've already turned down two potential rendez-vous that evening in favour of the visual porn that is Andy Samberg's nose.
It is a rightful entity on its own.
I've only been a week and a half into summer holiday and this is the story of my life.
(A long overdue list!)
Five Random Things in my Peripheral Vision:
1. My ceramic mug with nude women in suggestive poses carved in relief. (The subline in the store's display said, "Can you handle her?" and I felt compelled to take them on their challenge.)
2. That epic scene where Adam Sandler serenades to Drew Barrymore at the end of The Wedding Singer. (Enter: warm and fuzzy feelings.)
3. A tube of Colgate awkwardly sticking out of a box of bran cereal. (I have no idea either.)
4. An old carton of Chinese take-out I have yet to toss. (Maybeeee tomorrow. Maybe.)
5. All these are lies as what is (obviously) in my peripheral vision is only the reflective glare of my MacBook screen.