Seems I've been the subject of intrigue for quite some time, unbeknownst to me.
A pepper-stubbled man stopped me on my way back home. He introduced himself as "Paul" and he told me he had wanted to say hi for some time. I vaguely remembered the one occasion we had made contact when he mentioned he had opened the door for me at Starbucks. Kind gestures like that are never forgotten to me, but I feigned recollection. I don't know why I do it, but sometimes---when I'm abruptly in the spotlight---I lie about the smallest things. Like I'll say I like the weather when I don't, or that I had a scone for breakfast when in actuality, I had last night's cold pasta and I hate scones to begin with.
Anyways, this man told me that I was beautiful, and that he wasn't a stalker or anything, and that he remembered the time when I had that wild face paint on, and that other time when I had those pigtails and the handful of big balloons. He thought I did events or something. I laughed. Instinct told me I was just the subject of harmless observance, and it seemed funny to me that I elicit such careful, frequent interest.
After all, I'm supposed to be the writing creeper who lurks about town.
Well, now I can't slouch down Eighth with my sour morning face without being a bit paranoid at being watched. But it's almost nice to know that while I felt I was living in obscurity, that a quiet man took humour and curiosity into record of my daily existence. Almost. God forbid, if anything were to happen, at least he'll know that I have lived.
In a feeble attempt to make myself at least somewhat significant (but more so to force myself to become more disciplined at writing habitually AND to get over my fears of publishing) I'm starting this blog again. Wish I could change the URL name to something a bit more pithier and easier to spell, but then maybe the spelling will discourage most in finding their way into the recesses of my brain.
Mehhh. Whatever. I'm just glad I'm writing again.
SUMMER IS HERE. I ended finals today by debuting my first film. (Thanks, iMovie!) It's a cheeky silent film with corny puns, tinkling background tunes, sex, claymation, plenty of cartoon penii, sex, and more sex. At least, I refer to sex. It was well-received.
Hmmm...dunno whether to write more colloquially when blogging or more "seriously." Guess it'll sort itself out eventually. When I get the hang of this, that is.
List of Things To Do:
1. Clean
2. Clean
3. Gaspard Ulliel (Has a cannibal ever been hotter!? Gong Li must have rashed like crazy.)
4. Clean
5. Get a job
6. Finish books and start on more
7. Clean
8. Keep up blog
9. Clean
10. Move into new digs!